Laying the groundwork for success.. one student at a time
What type of tutoring are you looking for?

The world's largest therapy service.
100% online.
Get to learn from a panel of only the top-tier, background-checked tutors
Our team of passionate educators is thoroughly vetted and handpicked to provide quality education and making a positive impact on students’ lives. With years of experience and a deep understanding of various learning styles, our tutors are committed to providing the highest quality of education.

How it works

Sign up as a student on our website

Browse through the available courses and choose the ones you are interested in

Book a free demo with one of our highly qualified tutors

Begin your journey towards excellence
Our courses offerings






Computer Sciences


Business Studies



BetterHelp vs. traditional in-office therapy
- Provided by a credentialled therapist
- Provided by a credentialled therapist
- Provided by a credentialled therapist
- Provided by a credentialled therapist
- Provided by a credentialled therapist

How it works

Frequently Asked Questions
We offer Math, English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Business Studies, Computer Sciences, Economics, Accounting, IT, Sociology & Psychology.
All our teachers are Bachelors/Masters in their professional field.
We determine the teaching methods based on our expertise and the needs of our students. We take into consideration factors such as the age group, learning style, and subject matter to create a personalized and effective learning experience.
We provide flexible tutoring session schedules based on the availability of both the students and the tutors. We can work together to find convenient time slots that accommodate the needs of the students.
Our tutoring sessions are completely ONLINE.
You can cancel your registration but advance fee will be non refundable.
Sure, you can definitely request a specific tutor for your child! Just let us know your preferences, such as qualifications or teaching style, and we will do out best to match your child with a suitable tutor.
But How Can I Be Sure That Plinth Is The Right Tutoring Academy For Me?
Book in a 15-minute consultation with one of our student outreach experts to help you with your decision-making process.